Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How to Be Cool

Here is the first tip on how to be cool, if you have to wonder whether you are cool or not, then I can tell you straight away that chances are high that you are not cool at all. You see if you are wondering if you are seen as cool to others then that means you CARE. Cool people don't give a rats ass whether they are cool or not, I am as sure of that as I am sure of the fact that I have a bloody hole in my ass (too crude? well caring about that is not cool...just let it go).

In order to not give a fuck you have to simply not care what others think of you, you have to just be. Be yourself and censor your self imposed censorship. Remove your filter, say whatever comes to mind and just do things with no thought about how others will perceive you. In order to really impress you have to stop giving a fuck, and when you really stop giving a fuck you won't care if you impress, see how that works?

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